My company offered (industrial) design-research to clients worldwide as well as more straight forward industrial design for consumer products.
For the design I cherry-picked the overall look and feel from IDEO, one of the most famous user-centered design agencies in the world, but I decided to go for a more structured layout, highlighting the company's different services (innovation, industrial design, product ergonomics and design for sustainability) as that is how clients would find me. After that, some cases/projects, articles about the services, clients I've worked for and ofcourse a contact form. Every service had its own dedicated page with more in-depth information.
All articles are separate webpages. The article block at the bottom of the homepage is generated by reading out the files in the article-directory, feching the meta-data for each article to create title, description, etc.
Articles can be created and edited in an online WYSIWYG page that looks exactly like the final page will look like. Images for articles can be uploaded in backend as well.
PHP, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, SEO
Visual Studio, Photoshop